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Montpellier SupAgro
Université de Montpellier
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Our partners
FARM Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
BNP Paribas Foundation
Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH)
Fondation de France
The Interprofessional Committee for Champagne...
African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)
Tela Botanica
Inria, the national research institute for...
Bureau interprofessionnel des vins de Bourgogne BIVB
Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso
Fondazione CARIPLO
Danone Research
CO3 : participatory research for the ecological transition
ASADAO Programme
PRETAG Initiative - Pesticides Reduction in Tropical Agriculture
One Planet Fellowship Programme
International Scientific Prizes 2021
RTRA “Agricultural research and sustainable development, global South and Mediterranean”
The LabEx AGRO
The AWARD Programme
The “Thought for food” initiative
Calls for proposals
Opportunity for European students to join the 2023 One Planet mentoring programme on climate change and agriculture in Africa
Innovative Co-Learning for Agriculture-Based Solutions: Round 2
Climate change, biodiversity, food systems: Agriculture-based solutions
The One Planet Fellowship
All Projects
Flagship projects
’Has Ceratonia siliqua formed a joint venture with mycorrhizal and nitrogen fixing symbioses? Potential for juvenile tree growth and orchard establishment’
Bio-aggressors and invasive species: from individuals to populations and species
Plant Health
PRETAG Initiative
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
Interactions between polyphenols and aromas in wine: chemical and sensorial studies
Deciphering genetic and environmental effects on apple tree responses to water deprivation scenarios
Innovative Tools to Study Trans-generational Epigenetic Inheritance in Maize
TANnase Tools for Renewable Aromatic building blocks
Conservation and Sustainable management of Garcinia kola genetic re-sources
Elucidation of mechanism for ammonium toxicity caused by nitrate sensor NRT1.1/NPF6.3 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Unraveling TOR-mediated signaling in relation to nitrogen metabolism.
Innovation and governance for sustainable wine production in multi-actor wine business entities: Case studies of French wine cooperatives and Japa-nese wineries-grape-grower networks
transversal data analytics for bio-product fermentation
Biodiversity friendly consumers’ behavior
Folates behavior during the soaking-cooking process of cowpea seeds
Genetic diversity of the emblematic food tree species Myristica fragrans, M. fatua and M. argentea (Indonesian Nutmegs) : applications to genetic resources conservation and sustainable management.
Unlocking rice genetic diversity to secure food production in the context of global change : deciphering the functional impact of transposable elements using genome-wide association studies.
Improvement of MapMan to Analyze the Genome of Coffee.
Development Ethics and the Alliance Approach to the social management of innovations.
Designing CLImate smart farming ABSYSs for the Mediterranean Area
Antioxidant and nutritional potential of a functional food derived from fermented maize and fruit extracts containing phytosterols, carotenoids and tocopherols.
Modelling the bioenergetics of a natural digester: the human gut microbiome
The role of social networks in agroecoABSYSs diversification and their adaptation to global change
Prediction of vegetal cohesive powder Flow
Integrating genomic and phenotypic approaches to enhance Striga hermonthica resistance in Pearl millet
Study of the climate adaptation of wild coffee (Coffea canephora)
Development of new phenolipids based on olive pomace phenolic compounds resulting from olive cultivars adapted to Brazilian environmental conditions
Resilience of Managed Amazonian Forests
Genetic and molecular characterization of bud dormancy in apple: deciphering candidate gene roles in dormancy regulation
STRADIV - ABSYS approach for the TRAnsition to bio-DIVersified agroecoABSYSs
APLIM - Advanced Plant Life Imaging and Metrology
CultiVar - A coordinated Higher Education cursus in Plant Breeding with international outreach, and operative options for partners in Mediterranean/tropical countries
Rootnet (BIOGEMMA)
Increasing COwpea value chain sustainability in West Africa through Product and procEss innovAtion
Assessment of Diversification Strategies in Smallholder Coffee ABSYSs
Reducing of malnutrition through the food supplements from native tree species in Sub-Saharan Africa
LEgume GEnetic REsources as a tool for the development of innovative and sustainable food TEchnological ABSYS
Promoting resilience in the African rural households : Food ABSYSs at a crossroads
Dynamics of the rice genome in response to environmental stress: transpositional activation in a heat-stressed RdDM mutant.
Prix Louis Malassis 2014
Rencontres multidisciplinaires pour une riziculture durable en Tanzanie
Optimisation of "Florilège", the French portal for cultivated plant genetic resources
Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change
Harmonization, semantic and interoperability of phenotypic and agronomic data workshop
Tracing the evolution of pathogens and their virulence determinants through ancient herbarium samples
Jounrée IDEA ( Drone
Agricultural value chains and sustainable development: linking local and global dynamics - AC&SD 2016
Setting up a molecular epidemiology approach for unraveling the emergence of the Banana Xanthomonas Wilt
Political changes faced with climate change : institutionalization of policy innovations
EUCARPIA Genetic Resources 2017
Ouvrage QUAE. Architecture et croissance des plantes. Modélisation et applications
Version anglais de l’Atlas des bois tropicaux
Use of continuous front-end capillary electrophoresis (CFCE) for the characterisation of interactions between transcription factors and target DNA sequences, a step towards the development of an analytical microsystem.
Novel formate dehydrogenases for supported catalysis: reduction of carbon dioxide to formate and beyond
Polymères Fluorés pour l’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique des Plantes
Valorisation of edible mushrooms as biofertilisers in organic farming (cf 1508-001)
Enhancement of native Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) for adaptation to drought spell and sustainable yield increase in small holder farmers’ fields
Enhancement of native Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) for adaptation to drought spell and sustainable yield increase in small holder farmers’ fields (cf 1602-002)
Physicochemical and mechanical characterisation of starchy food matrices based on cassava and/or yam (gari and bread)
The interfaces between agricultural raw material and processing, a key point for bridging variability of raw materials and versatility of processing for innovative food ABSYSs.
Adaptive Governance for Coexistance of Crop Diversity Management ABSYSs
Lingua Franca in Agriculture and Biodiversity – LINGUA
Root development: to grow or not to grow?
Soil ECological function REstoration to enhance agroABSYS services in rainfed rice cropping ABSYSs in agroecological transition
Goji: Novel prospects for enhancing quality and sustainability of fruit production through GxExM interactions
Long sequence DNA capture, plastomes and crops: mastering third generation sequencing for agrobiodiversity studies
Generation & Deployment of Genome-Edited, Nitrogen-use-Efficient Rice Varieties
Unravelling the emergence of the Banana Xanthomonas Wilt through a novel approach
Modelling guayule growth as an alternative source of natural rubber
Live Imaging of Reproductive Development in Sexual and Apomictic Grasses
Ecohydrology of agricultural open channels for ecoABSYS services assessment
Sampling of Phythophthora infestans and Ralstonia spp. from wild Solanum
Ecological theories and Control methods for the Optimization of West african agroecoABSYSs
Mycotoxins and fungal pathogens CONTrol by ACTinomycetes – Potentialities of actinomycetes from soils for the development of novel biocontrol products to manage cereals fungal diseases and mycotoxins risk
Participatory multidimensional assessment of grazing ABSYSs.
MontpellierRoot2017 - Montpellier Lateral Root Workshop 2017
GRAINES 2017 - 17-19 octobre 2017, Montpellier
Agro&Grains - Involving plant and environmental sciences in the 8th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media: Powder&Grains, 3-7 July 2017, Montpellier
For the land and the people, legumes at the heart of innovation. 2nd French-speaking meetings on legumes
Relevance of PANIK connected printed mini-sensors (pH, Ammonium, Nitrate, K=Potassium) for continuous in-situ monitoring of soil water chemical quality in agroecosystems
A network for detecting and exploiting diversity and diffuse, weak, multi-dimensional marks of selection in open-managed agronomic and forestry ABSYSs
International Conference “Living territories for a sustainable development”
IUFRO conference “Managing Eucalyptus plantations under global changes”
Network "Innovation under the influence of sustainable cities and industries".
Pastoralism in the current of global change: challenges, issues and perspectives.
International Plant Molecular Biology Congress 2018
Hight Performance Computing for Genetics
Natural and human-mediated evolution in hyperdominants Palms of Amazonia: a historical genOmics proff-of-concept test.
Bamenda Raphia PALM management and GOVernance Non Timber Forest Product resource management and governance in the societies of the western highlands of Cameroon:the case of the iconic Bamenda Raphia palm.
Experimental assessment of 2D flow velocity fields induced by plant biodiversity in open channels for seed transport.
Establishment of a new platform for the analysis of the oxygen isotopic ratio in phosphate extracted from environmental samples : a new opportunity to unravel the rol eof biological processes in P cycling.
Rice pathogenic microBIOME: focus on bacterial and fungal within-plant pathogen interactions in West Africa.
A step further towards trait-based agroecology:considering agroABSYS specificities in relationships between the functional structure of plan communities and the services provided in perennial cash crops/ cover crop ABSYS.
Domesticating the first MANganese Hyperaccumulator Crop
Adaptation to host-plants in Spodoptera
Social Learning networks and plan diversity management in agroforestry landscapes.
Exploring a gene inducible ABSYS for functional studies related to flowering phenology in apple.
Third Jack R. Harlan International Symposium Dedicated to the Origins of Agriculture and the Domestication, Evolution, and Utilization of Genetic Resources
Phytobiom network in Montpellier
Symposium on the future of the CAP
Support for Ruba Nasri’s thesis
Organisation of the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2019 in Montpellier
Joint Conference of the Network on Ecology of Sustainable Interactions and Invertebrate Immunity
Biocontrol of ochratoxinogenic fungi by endogenous lactic acid bacteria of coffee in a context of global warmin
Identification and characterisation of proteins with entomotoxic properties against major maize pests
Dynamics of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tropical and Temperate Agricultural ABSYSs
Plant adaptation to calcareous soil upon climate change
Ensuring the future of perennial crops in Southeast Asia in a context of gobal change : case of Garcinia fruit tree species.
Advancing on the conceptualization of a theory of change for landscape approaches to biodiversity conervation, the case of Sabah in Malysia.
Biochemical, near-infra red spectroscopy and gene expression analyses of reactive oxygen species-scavenging ABSYSs in latex of Hevea brasiliensis.
Integration of genetic resources from gene bank into breeding program and optimization of their use for genetic improvement: a case study on rice.
Collective strategies for an agroecology of territory
Peer certification for eco-solidarity quality: co-construction of an intellectual commons
Co-design of a biomass valorisation scenario in a circular economy approach, in Reunion Island
Conference on DEVelopment of innovative ALTernative crops for the production of Natural Rubber
Organisation du "17th international Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant"
Innovative surveillance and control strategies for vectors in public and animal health and for crop pests in plant health
Accueil Pr Rebecca Nelson pour les explorations agroecologiques
Agricultural economics seminar on sustainable food governance
Creation of a network to develop a programme equivalent to the ECOPHYTO plan for the coffee sector
Agro-Ecology Network in Southeast Asia
cycle Research Society
Open Day Biology, Informatics, Mathematics 2020
Improving complementary food in food ABSYS
Ecology and evolution infectious Diseases conférence 2020
Summer school on ion and water transportation plants
European Coffee Science Master
Global Food Security
Molecular basis of a sustainable Agriculture
Artisanat et transformation niébé
Transcriptional profiling of maize genes in response to a growth-promoting agropolymer
Support to the pilot project "Incubation of a collaborative and prospective research for a territorialized food, resulting from an ecological and peasant agriculture
Support for the operation "Boutiques des Sciences"
Evaluation of CAP 2015-2020 and taking action
Peer Community in – A free recommendation process of scientific preprints
Farming ABSYS Design Symposium:Designing Climate Smart Agricultural ABSYSs for a Sustainable Transition in Farming ABSYS Design: The Agri-food ABSYSs of the Dry Areas
WORKSHOP Plant Regeneration, Transformation and Genome Editing 2020 (PRTGE)
Joint 18th International Botrytis Symposium & 17th International Sclerotinia Workshop
F&V Processing 2020 - Third Symposium on Fruit and Vegetable Processing
Participatory Guarantee ABSYSs Conference 2020: “30 Years of PGS Development: A Root and Branch Appraisal”
International Symposium on Plant Protection in Africa
Agroecological Transitions: Social Dimensions of Change
Communicate on the Impact of Climate Change on the Development of Living Organisms
MemPro 7 conference: integration of membranes in processes
Support to the International Symposium "Plant Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
Congress Journées Francophones de Virologie
Community seed bank for social justice and conservation of biodiversity? Networks of actors and dynamics of seed attachment
Mixing HORticultural crops and Agroforestry: A global evidence map, analysis of the farmer practices and assessment of performance
Learning and adaptation in agronomic pests
Integrated management of the valorization of liquid and solid waste - case study of Sousse area, Tunisia
Screening for intra-specific diversity via an automated image-based classification approach, application to a tropical fruit tree species
Microbiome for AgroEcology in Rice
Controlling the nutritional quality of germinating pulses
Plant and soil health indicators from an agroecological perspective for sustainable rice production in Cambodia
Diversification of crops, mixed cropping and risk management in smallholder agriculture in the context of climate change
African roads to sustainable agroecology summer school – hot topics and targeted solutions
Evidence-based synthesis of the impacts of agricultural transition and practices at the global scale to support integration and decision
Hydrological flows explaining seedbank biodiversity in agroecoABSYSs
FAST ADAPTation of stone fruit to pesticide reduction with digital phenotyping
Furanic acid F2 (FuFA-F2) from Hevea brasiliensis latex: Toward a transition to an ecologically responsible production of bioactive molecules in a society that sustainably manages its natural resources
Oxydized lipids derivatives in coffee plant, SENS roasted coffee and its by-products
Strengthening Agroecology Regional Networks with a Thematic School
Designing REsilient stone fruit trees via integrative phenotyping in low phytosanitary input orchards and Association genetiCS
Governance of technology in the Rice value chain in Côte d’Ivoire
CoLEarning with Models to Assess diversificaTIon Services Assessing the contribution of crop diversification to ecoABSYSs services : co-learning with models to integrate farmers’ and researchers’ knowledge
ANzAr Colloquium : Agroecology in North Africa
Artisanal manure teas in fertigation practices : co-designing improvement pathways with farmers in North Africa
Culture of impact in Agricultural Research Organizations: What for and how?
Integrated Pest Management strategy against Coffee Berry borers based on their dispersion capacity in North Sumatra, Indonesia
Diversity of varieties and farming systems as an asset of Mediterranean oleiculture in a global change setting
Monitoring mediterranean agro-ecoABSYSs responses to climate change: from field to landscape scale
Health of plants in their socio-ecological ecosystem
Publication of the Memento of Agroecology
Valuation of research conducted within the Agropolis research community in the 1st Occitanie Regional Paper on Climate Change
Partnerships with companies for the Master in Wood Science
Creation of a "multimedia animation" for the public communication of INRAE’s national REUSE network
Adaptation and resilience of agriculture in West Africa: agroecological innovations and integration of territories
Animals. The Invisibles of Work
« Digitalisation des systèmes agri-alimentaires : perspectives des SHS »
Revisiting the role of diversity of actors in the landscape of dynamic diversity management: collective reflection on the concept of the third place
What future for livestock activities?
Establishing a European – West African Sorghum research network to foster sorghum value chain innovations
Short documentary film: Gender, access to land and land policies in Madagascar.
A collaborative network to support Earth observation for land monitoring in the South
Support for a Lebanese PhD student on investigation of root exudation and interactions with beneficial microorganisms in wheat ancestors and elite cultivars towards sustainable agricultural practices
CAn Local Agriculture help improve the nutritional quality of food and reduce the environmental impact in GuadeLOUpe?
Innovative agricultural nature-based solutions to reduce climate change, land degradation and food insecurity: the potential of earthworms and vermicompost in small tropical farms
Deciphering citrus tolerance determinants to multifactorial stresses by multi-omic ultra-high resolution spatial mapping of plant-microbiota interactions
Characterization of Plant Mobile Domain proteins at the interface between tomato and Arabidopsis plants
Carbon-Hungry Rice and Wheat
Sustainable development of palm based agroABSYSs in Sahel using innovative sex markers
Xanthomonas Oryzae Co-infections : developing methodologies to address their epidemiological consequences.
How to Adapt Beehive To climATe Change
Challenges of Agriculture adaptation to Flood Risk in Urban Areas : synergies between flood protection , urban planning and peri-urban agriculture development
Understanding the recycling of organic phosphorus in Mediterranean agro-forestry ABSYSs
Mobilizing Diversity for improving biologigal N Fixation in peanut
Deciphering the key drivers of cucumber mosaic virus epidemics in Espelette
Social Capital and Development Projects: A case study in Zimbabwe
Climate impact of tropical agroforestry. From local Data to global Models.
Monitoring tropical plant biodiversity from eDNA samples : exploring water, sol and air attributes
Weed FLOral RESource potential and diversity in Mediterranean vineyards and olive agroecoABSYSs
To know, understand and adapt to Polymyxa graminis, a virus vector on tropical and temperate cereals
Towards sustainable intensification in West Africa thought improved production and processing of pulses : promotion of innovations from farm to fork
Initiative Pesticide
Politiques Innovantes et Collectes des Ordures bio-sourcés en Logements collECTifs
Opticourses®, an innovation to reconcile low budget, health and sustainable food by promoting the adoption of the concepts and practices of the circular economy by the populations that are furthest from it.
Convergence Cormier - Network, Resources and Resilience of a forgotten tree in the service of agroecological transition
The future of peasant agroecology in Occitania 2050
Collective strategies for territorial agroecology through crop-livestock cooperation
Sharing knowledge and building research to support the evolution of sourdough baking practices
Study of the role of BolA proteins in iron homeostasis and the synthesis of iron-sulphur centres in Arabidopsis thaliana
Automated recognition of weed species in Camargue rice fields using visual content recognition techniques
Genetic analysis of cadmium accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
Study of the pathogenesis of Xanthomonas albilineans, an original model in plant pathology
Consortium International en Biologie Avancée (CIBA), une initiative Agropolis/Embrapa
Analysis and prediction of spatial and temporal variability of vine water status at the micro-regional scale from a network of local measurements and multi-source spatial data
Auxin transport as a key regulator of root developmental responses to nitrogen in Arabidopsis thaliana and Casuarina glauca
Molecular, developmental and genetic studies on fruit abscission in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
Integration of genetic, genomic and marker-assisted selection approaches to build durable resistance to Phytophthora in new cocoa varieties
Agrobiodiversity: people and plants. Analysis tools and methods
Learning, Production and Sharing of Innovations (APPRI Workshop)
Varietal diversification processes in fig and olive trees in Morocco: an interdisciplinary ethno-biological and genetic approach
Capitalisation and strengthening of scientific skills on methods for evaluating and developing agroforestry innovation in the humid tropics (Africa and Central America)
Symposium international "innovation et développement durable 2010"
Leaf growth and water deficit in Arabidopsis thaliana and apple: the three dimensions.
XIII World Water Congress - Montpellier 1 - 4 September 2008
Numerical analysis of the stability of a forest slope integrating the spatio-temporal dynamics of the stand
Preparation of an approach for the Construction of Innovative Agro-ecological Intensification Systems to contribute to a more Sustainable Agriculture
Understanding the emergence of infectious diseases: linking the evolution of the genome and the evolution of the virulence of a phytovirus in the adaptation phase to its host.
Modelling canopy architecture to improve genotype-environment description by remote sensing
Comparison of the genomes of three important Arecaceae, co-evolution of sorghum and striga and study of association in sorghum
Structuring scientific platform on the characterisation of lipids of plant origin and unprocessed and biotransformed hydrophobic polymers for green and sustainable chemistry (PlantLipPol-SENS)
Impact of changing environmental and anthropogenic constraints on asexually propagated crop diversity: towards an international research proposal on yam agrobiodiversity
Organisation of a workshop entitled "Referenced food crop germplasm banks for international collaboration
Towards a federative research on modelling and simulation platforms
Agropolis seminars on digital plants
Développer un cadre statistique d’analyse des interactions génotype-environnement dans des études d’association
Pl@ntNet : a collaborative network and IT platform dedicated to the compilation and sharing of tools and knowledge in Botany
Integrative modelling for landscape-scale understanding and management of ecosystems under human influence
Prix Scientifique Louis Malassis
Rhéologie de la matière Molle
AGRO2010 MONTPELLIER - Science week on agronomy
The future of agricultural research for development: A meeting for young researchers from the South and the North - Young Researchers Seminar 2010
GCARD 2010
Support for the shooting of a film on Pl@ntNet for the Gcard
Man and fruit trees in the Mediterranean: from domestication to current genetic and varietal diversity, from local practices developed over time to contemporary international markets
International Symposium on "Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food". Organisation of a satellite session on the Mediterranean (ISDA-2010 MED)
Scientific day "Rethinking nutritional quality from the plate to the field"
Organisation of an international workshop on Mediterranean palms (MEDI-PALMS 2010)
Atelier international sur la modélisation de la stabilité des arbres
Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation and their Applications - PMA09
Organization of the session supported by Agropolis at the annual "TDWG - Biodiversity Information Standards" conference
Bio-aggressors and invasive species: from individuals to populations and species
Scientific basis for the design of ecological horticultural systems and factors favouring the adoption of these innovations and quality and acceptability criteria for cooking bananas. Study of their biochemical and genetic components, and influence of cropping systems
Inter@Tom : A transdisciplinary research platform for the construction of sustainable production systems and quality products for horticulture - application to the tomato sector from North to South
Improving water stress tolerance in perennial plants for adaptation to climate change
Roots, hydromineral nutrition of plants and ecological intensification of agro-ecosystems and Agropolis Root Development, Architecture and Environment Network
Ecological services of legumes in cereal cropping systems under water and phosphorus deficiency in the Mediterranean basin and in tropical Africa
One-year international research and training project in Nutrition and Health
Organisation of a stakeholder conference in the framework of the European project "ARIMNet" (Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean)
Rhizopolis a federal project on the root system of plants
Ecological services of vegetables for biochemical nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and carbon sequestration in cereal cropping systems in Africa and the Mediterranean basin.
Identification of nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) pathogenicity effectors in rice (Oryza sativa)
Infrared spectrometry: a tool for modelling inorganic and organic phosphorus availability in tropical soils under conservation agriculture
Organisation of a French-Brazilian-African training module for the construction of a sentinel network for the early detection of the citrus SENSing disease (Huanglongbing) and its insect vectors in the peri-Mediterranean regions
Role des transposons actives (RT) dans l’évolution des génomes de Coffea canephora and C. arabica
PHEnotypage, Genotypage et analyse de la diversité génétique et de la structure d’une collection de Coffea arabica d’Ethiopie, en relation avec la qualité et la tolérance au stress
Support for the communication of the extension of AWARD/G&D to French-speaking countries
Organisation of a workshop on the global strategy for the conservation and utilisation of banana and plantain (Musa) genetic resources
Organisation of an international scientific event "The Multi-stakeholder Expert Dialogue on genetic resources for Food and Agriculture
Chaire Unesco/Réseau Unitwin “Alimentations du monde”
Construction of regulatory gene networks exploiting natural variability in Arabidopsis thaliana
AWARD – Technologies adoption, the economics of climate change adaptation strategies
Preparation of a federative project on "sustainable food security" within the framework of the Unesco Chair and international development of the InstitutAgro-Cirad IPAD master’s degree (Innovation for sustainable food)
Thinking about food processing systems in a holistic way: towards a more sustainable agriculture
Research programme on the genetic processes that allow the establishment of bacterial pathogens in their hosts
Exchange and use of genetic resources for food and agriculture
Hosting of Professor J. Wünsche to develop work on the architecture and functioning of fruit species
Biochemical and structural study of the starch of plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.) during its maturation
Sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture: public policies and innovations
Support for the publication of Agropolis International’s "Special Partnership" dossier on EMBRAPA’s LabEx-Europe programme
First Molecular Biology and Plant Genetics Workshop in West Africa
Study of convergences and differences between cultures in dietary changes
Sustainable urban food systems
Census of species and their evolution in the context of new infrastructures-SYSTRA
Trackside plant growth model: architectural traits involved in the success of different plant biological types on railway embankments
Characterisation of associations between condensed tannins and plant cell walls
Comparative dynamics of urban food styles
Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times
Study of the evolution of reproductive development in the genus Oryza for the improvement of modern cultivated rice
Genomic selection for resource use efficiency in rice
Scenario assessment of sustainable rice production systems. Exploring plausible, probable and possible futures for sustainable rice production systems
Agropolis seminars on plant modelling
Cryopreservation of endangered American plants
Combining opto-physical modelling of plant structures and chemometrics tools for robust calibration of hyperspectral field images; Application to plant phenotyping
Construction of an SSR-based genetic map of the tropical legume Aeschynomene evenia: an essential tool for deciphering the Nod-independent symbiotic process and for improving nodulation efficiency in Arachis hypogaea
Determine the structure and function of a new family of small molecules produced by Xanthomonas oryzae, Xanthomonas translucens and Xanthomonas albilineans
PHOSPHORE 2014 - Organisation of the 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum (ISP5) and the 4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit (SPS4)
Cooperative Training and Resource Centre on the Common Agricultural Policy
Strengthening of the existing scientific platform "LipPolSENS" (LPG) hosted by UMR IATE in Montpellier via an extension in Bangkok within the joint KU/CIRAD laboratory "Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology of Natural Rubber" (LBTNR)
Support for the supervision of a thesis in the MEDINA project (ANR)
Past and present domestication of cocoa in the Upper Amazon region of Ecuador: analysis of ancient DNA in archaeological remains and collection of new genetic resources of native cocoa from the same region
Conservation agriculture in rice cropping systems in Madagascar: sustainability and adoption
Combined (eco)-physiological approach and 3D modelling to understand and analyse the role of the cuticle in the growth and quality of fleshy fruits
Chloroplast genomes as a tool for population genetics, phylogeography and phylogeny in agrobiodiversity
Mobilome sequencing: a new technique to identify active retrotransposons and analyse their epigenetic impacts on tropical crop phenotypes
Off-site laboratories to promote the use of agrobiodiversity in rural areas
Increase in oil content through redirection of carbon fluxes during seed development
Genetic basis and agronomic impacts of millet root exudation
Résilience 2014
Linking the effect of domestication on genes and phenotypic traits in Mediterranean olive: towards sustainable management by building a network of phenotyping platforms for association genetics studies
Domestication and sexual dimorphism: from the perspective of the male inflorescence
Improving high-resolution multispectral and thermal images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for high-throughput field phenotyping
Methods and decision tools for the sustainable management of babaçu palms in pasture
Rosom - Influence of mechanical root-soil intercations on the variability of root architecture
Development of a wild genome association study based on the genetic diversity of Ethiopian Arabica coffee
Characteristics of natural, semi-natural and controlled habitats (orchard) and cultural practices affecting the parasitism of Anastrepha fraterculus (fruit fly) in apple orchards in the Parana region. Basis for biological control.
Impact of water and mineral stress on Eucalyptus wood properties and xylem genome expression.
Influence of genotype-environment interaction on mandarin quality
Développement de bioréacteurs végétaux et de technologies amplicon/VIGS dans les monocotylédones (riz et maïs)
Support for the publication and dissemination of research or training results
Support and develop research on food quality in Réunion
Prolongation AWARD programme francophone
Symposium on Pre-breeding
Supporting the integration of young people into family farming in the South: issues, prospects, action programmes for development, research and training
Impact of agropolymers on the hydro-mineral nutrition of plants
Structuring and development of the Montpellier vine and wine cluster (Languedoc-Roussillon)
Conference “Recent progress in drought tolerance : from genetics to modelling” 8 & 9 June 2015, Le Corum, Montpellier, France
Renforcement du réseau des maisons expérimentales de Montpellier
“The third Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)”
Explanation of a conceptual framework that can be used for the analysis and construction of sustainable food policies on an urban scale
Initiation of a collaboration between Montpellier InstitutAgro (MSA), CIRAD and southafrican universities of Stellenbosch (SUN) and Fort Hare (UFH) in the field of food science and technology training and higher education.
ABSYSatic challenges for Sustainable Crop Protection : the case of Arthropods and Nematods
Chemometric framework for near infrared spectroscopy development including: toolboxes + MOOCs + training databases
Capacity building in Farming ABSYSs Design methodologies for Mediterranean and Sub-Tropical regions.
International training network for tropical plant health management
A happy families card game on soil biodiversity: "The hidden life in soils"
A First Bioinformatics Course and Plateform at the University of Londrina, Parana, Brazil
Post-graduate course in bioinformatics for young African scientists
Promoting AgRoecology transition deMands Innovation in education
Innovation Pedagogical Resources in Conservation Agriculture for South-East Asia
Listen and understand - International Network for Cooperative Production of online Training Ressources
Open and Distance Learning for Plant Breeding
International Master in Tropical Biotechnology
Drought and temperature stress adaptation in Robusta coffee: from candidate genes to drought tolerant variants
Biotechnological Strategies for the control of Plant-Parasitic Root-Knot Nematodes
Cotton adaptation to water stress: Genetic and morpho-physiological determinism of drought stress response during the vegetative phase of cultivated cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.)
Interaction between Theobroma grandiflorum and Moniliophthora perniciosa: Association Studies and Functional Genomics
Socio-technical and institutional innovations for conservation and valorization of the Cerrado biome
Ideotype plants from Defensin Protein Promiscuity
Identification, validation and introgression within elite lines and recurrent selection population of key alleles contributing to tolerance to water deficit in rainfed rice
Roots, Tubers and Bananas Multi-Genomes Hub integrating masive and complex genomics data, and metabolomics based GWAS workflows
Development of ecological intensification indicators in upland rice agroABSYSs in madagascar: prediction the soil microbial loop
Assessing and comparing how different research approaches build capacity to innovate and contribute to achieving impact
VIRus-Bacteria Interactions in African Rice Fields (VIRBIARF): Insights into molecular mechanisms and evolutionary consequences of within-plant multi-ple infections
Tackling the DEFENSIN family Evolution within the extremophile species Arabidopsis halleri
Biocontrol of toxigenic fungal contaminants of vines and cereals by selected microbial strains
SUstainability of Rice rEsistance to RYMV (Rice yellow mottle virus)
AWARD : Phénotypage à haut débit de traits racinaires pour la tolérance à la sècheresse du mil
Concept Note SIMAG
Concept Note CultiVar
Concept Note SAFE
Concept Note Plant Epidemiosurveillance
Concept Note APLIM
Concept Note GenomHarvest
Concept Note STRADIV
Agronomic Linked Data
Landscapes and livelihood changes in the northwestern uplands of Cambodia: Impacts on ecoABSYS services and opportunities for designing resilient farming ABSYSs
SilviLaser 2015 & RSDI workshop- ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015
Congrès “Biorefinery for Fuels, Food and Materials” (BFFM 2015), 15-17 juin 2015
Building capacities in agriculture to address climate change
A three-country network for agri-food chain modeling applied to durum wheat
Pastoralism and territorial development: knowledge sharing.
Hortimodel 2016: models for plantgrowth, environment control and farming management in protected cultivation
Journées de Statistique (JdS) 2016
Complete digitisation of articles from the scientific journal Acarologia
Euro-mediterranean symposium on fruit and vegetable processing 2016
Multifaceted sustainability of agro-ecological pest management: tackling ecological, evolution and sociological challenges with fruit-fly research.
Creation of a virtual multimedia exhibition on the diversity of cultivated plants
ISHS-ProMusa Symposium "Agroecological approaches to promote innovative banana production ABSYSs"
Platform for vine water status spatial monitoring at the regional scale
Enhancing Modelling Skills for Agronomists and Crop Scientists
FORests and ECological intensification of Agricultural ABSYSs
Bottom-up mathematical programming for sustainable food supply in the 21st century
Madagascar Master Nutrition
MooSciTIC - a shot of science
Demand-oriented training on crop agrobiodiversity analysis and management
From the product idea to the Goodfood factory (ou EFood ou BeFood)
Prospecting partners in relationship with H2020 call : Multifactor approach to tackle childhood obesity in EU and Argentina
Rubber agroforestry practices in Northeast Thailand to maintain family farms income during immature period of the plantations.
Clarifying the phylogenic relationships of wild and cultivated yam species (Dioscorea sp.) in West Africa
Gene flow, specialization, and behavior of Drosophila suzukii, an invasive insect of major agro-economic importance on small fruits
Microalgal cell factory: biocatalytic conversion of algal biomass for renew-able biodiesel
Nutrients accessibility speciation of organic residues from wastes for both pro-cess treatment and plant nutrition: physico-chemical indicators definition
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
Study of the role of BolA proteins in iron homeostasis and the synthesis of iron-sulphur centres in Arabidopsis thaliana
ClimCoffea : Drought and temperature stress adaptation in Robusta coffee: from candidate genes to drought tolerant variants.
Dynamics of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tropical and Temperate Agricultural systems
Bio-aggressors and invasive species: from individuals to populations and species
E-SPACE - Improving epidemiosurveillance of Mediterranean and tropical plant diseases
CultiVar - A coordinated Higher Education cursus in Plant Breeding with international outreach, and operative options for partners in Mediterranean/tropical countries
The interfaces between agricultural raw material and processing, a key point for bridging variability of raw materials and versatility of processing for innovative food systems.
Adaptive Governance for Coexistance of Crop Diversity Management Systems
Genome Harvest - Mobilizing biomathematics/bioinformatics and genomics/genetics to decipher genome organization and dynamics as pathways to crop improvement
Plateforme scientifique structurante sur la caractérisation des lipides d’origine végétale et des polymères hydrophobes non traités et biotransformés pour une chimie verte et durable (PlantLipPol-Green)
’Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers’
An international functional genomics platform using rice as a model species: the rice functional genomics platform (REFUGE)
APLIM - Advanced Plant Life Imaging and Metrology
Sustainable urban food systems Surfood - FOODSCAPES
’Characteristics of natural, semi-natural and controlled habitats (orchard) and cultural practices affecting the parasitism of Anastrepha fraterculus (fruit fly) in apple orchards in the Parana region. Basis for biological control.’
NewPearl - Combining new phenotyping approaches and next generation sequencing to accelerate breeding in pearl millet, an orphan cereal from arid regions
MIC-CERES - Microbial eco-compatible strategies for improving wheat quality traits and rhizospheric soil sustainability
’Characteristics of natural, semi-natural and controlled habitats (orchard) and cultural practices affecting the parasitism of Anastrepha fraterculus (fruit fly) in apple orchards in the Parana region. Basis for biological control.’
Integrated genetic, genomic and marker assisted selection approaches to provide a sustainable T. cacao resistance towards Phytophthora species
BIOSORG - Diversifying and opimizing biomass sorghum value chains for Mediterranean and Semi-arid environments: an integrative approach merging biological sciences, biomaterial development and socio economic assessment.
Soil ECological function REstoration to enhance agrosystem services in rainfed rice cropping systems in agroecological transition
Generation & Deployment of Genome-Edited, Nitrogen-use-Efficient Rice Varieties
Arbopolis: Strengthening African livelihoods, food and nutrition security using indigenous fruit tree species
Confronting different theories and frameworks of analysis of socio-ecological systems with empirical knowledge and data
’Characteristics of natural, semi-natural and controlled habitats (orchard) and cultural practices affecting the parasitism of Anastrepha fraterculus (fruit fly) in apple orchards in the Parana region. Basis for biological control.’
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
Modelling electrical signalling in plants in relation to the polarisation of development and morphogenesis, and to the adaptive response to stress
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
Epidemiological surveillance of Ralstonia solanacearum, causal agent of bacterial wilt of solanaceous crops, in the South-West Indian Ocean islands and Eastern Africa, diversity and genetic structure of populations
Palms for the future of Africa: Multidimentional approaches to the socio-economics, resiliences and sustainable harvesting of Raphia species in Cameroon
Investigating adaptive introgression in African crops
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
FLORIMAIZE - Role of florigen proteins in maize developmental reprogramming under drought stress
’Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers’
’Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers’
Integrative Modelling for understanding GenesxEnvironmentxProcesses interactions in the determinims of fruit and leaf growth
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
PAthogen-Informed sustainable resistance of cassava against Xanthomonas
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
Sunda or Sahul ? The origin of the Greater Yam (Dioscorea alata)
OpenAlea: Open software platform for plant modelling at different scales
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Indian dairy ABSYSs facing local and global challenges
Supporting Agrobiodiversity in Mediterranean AgroecoABSYSs to improve Drought Adaptation
Selective extraction of high added value molecules from coffee pulp waste, by innovative membrane and separation technologies
’Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Potentialities of actinomycetes from soils for the development of novel biocontrol products to manage cereals fungal diseases and mycotoxins risk
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Strengthening the Experimental Greenhouses Network in Montpellier
Capitalization and Capacity building on method to assess and develop agroforestry innovation in humid tropics (Africa and Mesoamerica)
Cell separation processes that underlie fruit abscission and shedding//in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq)
Understanding emergence of infectious diseases: Linking genomic evolution to the evolution of virulence of a phytovirus during the course of adaptation to its environments
Numerical analysis of forested slopes integrating the time and space dynamics of trees in the stand
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Le transport de l’auxine, régulateur-clé des réponses de développement racinaire à l’azote chez Arabidopsis thaliana et Casuarina glauca
Wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation as an alternative to wastewater dis-charge in river; environmental fate of human enteric viruses present in treated wastewater
’Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers’
Analysis and prediction of the spatio-temporal variability in vine water status at a microregional scale using local measurements and spatial covariate datasets
Endogenous virus markers and plant genome NGS sequencing to address Musa biodiversity and enhance genetic resources for breeders
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Modelling guayule growth as an alternative source of natural rubber
Comparison of three Arecacea genomes: oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and coconut tree (Cocos nucifera); co-evolution of sorghum and striga, association study in sorhum and pearl millet
Effect of bio-based polymeric additives on plant root germination and development and their impact on root endosymbiotic interactions
RNA methylation and reproductive modes in plants: characterization of molecu-lar factors involved in the transition between sexual reproduction and apomixis
Lingua Franca in Agriculture and Biodiversity – LINGUA
Rural landscape dynamics and food accessibility in Burkina Faso
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Modelling and optimisation of the bioconversion of plant raw materials in an inhomogeneous environment
TANnase Tools for Renewable Aromatic building blocks
Agrobiodiversité : des hommes et des plantes. Outils et méthodes d’analyse
Unlocking rice genetic diversity to secure food production in the context of global change : deciphering the functional impact of transposable elements using genome-wide association studies.
Diversification processes in fig and olive varieties in Morocco: an interdisciplinary ethnobiological–genetic approach
Deciphering genetic and environmental effects on apple tree responses to water deprivation scenarios
Coupling photon and proton imaging: towards 3D functional vision in plants
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
A tool for designing sustainable production systems - the case of the peach/brown food pair Modeling of Peach-Monilia ideotypes
Population genetics and architectural-functional models of plant growth. Application to the preservation of genetic resources of Mascarocoffea, coffee trees native to Madagascar (MaGenA)
PHENOtyping Plants by Modelling their Environment and Architecture
AGRO2010 MONTPELLIER - Science week on agronomy
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’AWARD : Biological control of mycotoxin contamination in food and development of a rapid detection method’
Sociological analysis of innovation co-design processes in the food industry
’AWARD : Biological control of mycotoxin contamination in food and development of a rapid detection method’
Mapping protein-protein interactions between root-knot nematode and virus effectors and hubs proteins encoded by plants of agronomic value
Forest restoration by smallholders in the Eastern Amazon: how to improve the balance between environmental and socioeconomic benefits?
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Using LTR-retrotransposons (LTR-RTN) to decipher the structure, diversity and origin of the Coffea arabica genome
Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot
Genomic selection for improving cocoa resistance and yields
Resilience of Managed Amazonian Forests
’Nutritional characterisation and impact of processing on the nutritional qualities of tropical vegetables: vitamins C and B9, carotenoids, antioxidants’
Genetic and molecular characterization of bud dormancy in apple: deciphering candidate gene roles in dormancy regulation
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
’Genetic diversity of coffee trees for drought tolerance’
Development of SNPs markers in rubber for marker-assisted selection
Collection of wild cocoa genetic resources related to aromatic chocolate quantities in the Ecuadorian Amazon
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Nutritional characterisation and impact of processing on the nutritional qualities of tropical vegetables: vitamins C and B9, carotenoids, antioxidants’
Modélisation intégrative pour la compréhension et la gestion à l’échelle du paysage des écosystèmes soumis à l’influence humaine
Interaction between the biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P in the rhizosphere of nodulated legumes (bean model) in reference agro-ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin
Cloning of Phytophthora capsici effector genes to guide the development of resistant pepper varieties.
Redox regulation according to the architecture of the root system and its adaptation to environmental constraints
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
IProPhen - Integration of proteomic resources for molecular phenotyping of plant growth in response to environmental and climate change
Development of new phenolipids based on olive pomace phenolic compounds resulting from olive cultivars adapted to Brazilian environmental conditions
Understanding surface-atmosphere exchanges at the scale of an agricultural watershed on a hilly Tunisian landscape: the influence of upward and downward flows on energy and mass transfers
’Genetic diversity of coffee trees for drought tolerance’
The response of natural Arabidopsis accessions to salt stress - A French-Chinese initiative
Organisation of a workshop entitled " “Reference sets of food crop germplasm for international collaboration”, organised in Montpellier, November 13-17, 2008
Biochemical, near-infra red spectroscopy and gene expression analyses of reactive oxygen species-scavenging systems in latex of Hevea brasiliensis.
Genetic diversity of coffee trees for drought tolerance
’Nutritional characterisation and impact of processing on the nutritional qualities of tropical vegetables: vitamins C and B9, carotenoids, antioxidants’
Integration of genetic resources from gene bank into breeding program and optimization of their use for genetic improvement: a case study on rice.
Evaluation of the size and speed of drops with additives.
Development of a high-throughput system for the functional analysis of virulence effector proteins of Magnaporthe grisea
Development of a non-destructive methodology for phenotyping mandarins by infrared spectroscopy to assist in the study of phenotypic variability in response to water stress and in varietal selection
Modelling coupled water and nutrient uptake by the plant root system: a mathematical and numerical approach explicitly based on the root system architecture
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
International cassava workshop in La Réunion: surveillance and control of cassava viral and bacterial diseases on the African continent
Exploring the impacts of biodiversity-offsetting schemes for mining operations in the Tridom Landscape, Congo Basin with Agent Based Modelling
Organization of a dissemination scientific seminar in the framework of the ARIMNet Network.
Decision support tools for strengthening family farmers’ capacity to design climate smart options in Colombia
Has Ceratonia siliqua formed a joint venture with mycorrhizal and nitrogen fixing symbioses? Potential for juvenile tree growth and orchard establishment
Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food Symposium (ISDA 2010)
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Development of gentic markers monitoring plant water potential
A diagnostic kit to enhance cocoa breeding for self compatibility
Coffee genetic engineering based on genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology: a cutting-edge tool for functional analysis and breeding
Food security in the Mediterranean by 2030: qualitative and quantitative aspects - SAMAQQ 2030
Assessment of farmer’s tradictional and botanical knowledge regarding the reproductive biology of some of their crops (cassava, cocoa, coconut, banana)
Support for the preparation of the 3rd International Conference on Resilience of Social and Ecological Systems
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
mixing HORticultural crops and Agroforestry: A global evidence map, analysis of the farmer practices and assessment of performance
Embedding farmers’ knowledge into a decision-makers’ modelling of land reform in Senegal
Séminaires d’Agropolis sur les plantes numériques
Agricultural sources of atmospheric ice biocatalysts in dryland farming systems
Reconstruction of a geometric 3D plant model from laser data (PlantScan3D)
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Ensuring the future of perennial crops in Southeast Asia in a context of gobal change : case of Garcinia fruit tree species.
Gene expression analysis of Xanthomonas albineans during leaf scald in sugarcane
Preparation of an international network project on rice blast
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Gene flow, specialization, and behavior of Drosophila suzukii, an invasive insect of major agro-economic importance on small fruits
Live Imaging of Reproductive Development in Sexual and Apomictic Grasses
’Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods’
Long sequence DNA capture, plastomes and crops: mastering third generation sequencing for agrobiodiversity studies
Goji: Novel prospects for enhancing quality and sustainability of fruit production through GxExM interactions
Ecological theories and Control methods for the Optimization of West african agroecosystems
Sustainable agri-food governance: the role of public regulation and private standards
A step further towards trait-based agroecology:considering agrosystem specificities in relationships between the functional structure of plan communities and the services provided in perennial cash crops/ cover crop system.
Unravelling the emergence of the Banana Xanthomonas Wilt through a novel approach
Participatory multidimensional assessment of grazing systems.
’Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches’
Designing CLImate smart farming systems for the Mediterranean Area
AWARD - Study of the genetic determinism of post-harvest quality (ppd) in cassava
Nutritional characterisation and impact of processing on the nutritional qualities of tropical vegetables: vitamins C and B9, carotenoids, antioxidants
Characterisation of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and the impact of cooking methods
’Genetic diversity of coffee trees for drought tolerance’
AWARD – Etude du déterminisme génétique de la résistance au Stem borer africain du mais
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
Sampling of Phytophthora infestans and Ralstonia solani spp. from wild Solanum
Natural and human-mediated evolution in hyperdominants Palms of Amazonia: a historical genOmics proff-of-concept test.
Bamenda Raphia PALM management and GOVernance Non Timber Forest Product resource management and governance in the societies of the western highlands of Cameroon:the case of the iconic Bamenda Raphia palm.
Social Learning networks and plan diversity management in agroforestry landscapes.
Experimental assessment of 2D flow velocity fields induced by plant biodiversity in open channels for seed transport
’Bio-aggressors and invasive species: from individuals to populations and species’
Establishment of a new platform for the analysis of the oxygen isotopic ratio in phosphate extracted from environmental samples : a new opportunity to unravel the rol eof biological processes in P cycling.
Rice pathogenic microBIOME: focus on bacterial and fungal within-plant pathogen interactions in West Africa.
Domesticating the first MANganese Hyperaccumulator Crop
Interactions between polyphenols and aromas in wine: chemical and sensorial studies
’Has Ceratonia siliqua formed a joint venture with mycorrhizal and nitrogen fixing symbioses? Potential for juvenile tree growth and orchard establishment’
Exploring a gene inducible system for functional studies related to flowering phenology in apple.
Adaptation to host-plants in Spodoptera
Innovative Tools to Study Trans-generational Epigenetic Inheritance in Maize
Conservation and Sustainable management of Garcinia kola genetic re-sources
Genetic diversity of the emblematic food tree species Myristica fragrans, M. fatua and M. argentea (Indonesian Nutmegs) : applications to genetic resources conservation and sustainable management.
Dynamics and evolution of life traits of plant pathogens and crop pests
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
Development Ethics and the Alliance Approach to the social management of innovations.
AWARD - Scylv detection and diversity in Kenya
Special Round Table: Policies to foster innovation in the Mediterranean Region Organised with OECD, FIDA and ArimNet With the support of Agropolis Fondation
Tackling the metagenomics of aphids microbial symbionts : are conifereeding aphids looking for new tenants
Characterisation of yam tubers and starch substances for food quality and industrial applications
AWARD : Evaluation of the quality of attiéké by coupling sensory analysis and instrumental measurement methods.
Towards a federative research on modelling and simulation platforms
Impact of changing environmental and anthropogenic constraints on yam agrobiodiversity in Africa : towards an international research proposal
’Has Ceratonia siliqua formed a joint venture with mycorrhizal and nitrogen fixing symbioses? Potential for juvenile tree growth and orchard establishment’
Innovation and governance for sustainable wine production in multi-actor wine business entities: Case studies of French wine cooperatives and Japa-nese wineries-grape-grower networks
AWARD - Improvement of microbiological and biochemical characteristics of pineapple juice from Rwanda
Root development: to grow or not to grow?
Version anglais de l’Atlas des bois tropicaux
Integrating genomic and phenotypic approaches to enhance Striga hermonthica resistance in Pearl millet
Development of a toolbox for modelling and simulating feedback between plant growth and biomechanics
AWARD : Biological control of mycotoxin contamination in food and development of a rapid detection method
Successful inculsion of Small-scale Farmers in upgrading value chains: Rice and Milk in the Senegal river Valley
transversal data analytics for bio-product fermentation
Le pastoralisme dans le courant des changements globaux : defis, enjeux et perspectives.
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
MEDI-PALMS 2010: Organisation of an international conference on Mediterranean palms
Réseau Phytobiom à Montpellier
Accompagner l’insertion des jeunes dans les agricultures familiales au Sud : enjeux, perspectives, programmes d’action pour le développement, la recherche, la formation
Structuration et valorisation du pôle vigne vin de Montpellier (Languedoc-Roussillon)
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change
Nutrients accessibility speciation of organic residues from wastes for both pro-cess treatment and plant nutrition: physico-chemical indicators definition
Optimisation de « Florilège », portail français des Ressources Génétiques Végétales Cultivées
The Third international symposium on Plant Growth modling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA09)
Modelling the bioenergetics of a natural digester: the human gut microbiome
Retracer l’évolution des agents pathogènes et de leurs déterminants de virulence à travers des échantillons anciens d’herbier
Prediction of vegetal cohesive powder Flow
EUCARPIA Genetic Resources 2017
Conference “Recent progress in drought tolerance : from genetics to modelling” 8 & 9 June 2015, Le Corum, Montpellier, France
International Conference “Living territories for a sustainable development”
Organization of the Agropolis session within the ‘TDWG- Biodiversity Information Standards’ 2009 annual meeting, Montpellier, 9-13 November
The role of social networks in agroecosystems diversification and their adaptation to global change
Support for the operation "Boutiques des Sciences"
Microalgal cell factory: biocatalytic conversion of algal biomass for renew-able biodiesel
Accueil Pr Rebecca Nelson pour les explorations agroecologiques
Clarifying the phylogenic relationships of wild and cultivated yam species (Dioscorea sp.) in West Africa
’Genetic diversity of coffee trees for drought tolerance’
Reseau "Innovation sous influence des villes et fillières durables"
Workshop to design a wild yam plant project
Elucidation of mechanism for ammonium toxicity caused by nitrate sensor NRT1.1/NPF6.3 in Arabidopsis thaliana
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Third Jack R. Harlan International Symposium Dedicated to the Origins of Agriculture and the Domestication, Evolution, and Utilization of Genetic Resources
Organisation de la 12ème Conférence européenne sur l’agriculture de précision (ECPA) 2019 à Montpellier
Drought and salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): cell biology ap-proaches
IUFRO conference “Managing Eucalyptus plantations under global changes”
COMmuniquer sur l’Impact du Changement Climatique sur le développement des organismes vivants
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
De l’idée du produit jusqu’à l’usine Goodfood (ou EFood ou BeFood)
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Prospecting partners in relationship with H2020 call : Multifactor approach to tackle childhood obesity in EU and Argentina
International Thematic School "Microbial Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services
International preparatory meeting of the project INFORMED (INtegrated research on FOrest Resilience and Management in the mEDiterranean) to be submitted to the ERA-Net FORESTERRA
“The third Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)”
Pre doctoral discovery program in plant genetics and breeding for InstitutAgro cesurians
Concept Note APLIM
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Study of the nutritional characteristics of previously analysed edible mushrooms as biofertilisers
Political changes faced with climate change : institutionalization of policy innovations
Valorisation des champignons comestibles comme biofertilisants en agriculture biologique
Enhancement of native Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) for adaptation to drought spell and sustainable yield increase in small holder farmers’ fields
Enhancement of native Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) for adaptation to drought spell and sustainable yield increase in small holder farmers’ fields (cf 1602-002)
Challenge-innovation EcoBioMax - Support for the organisation of a seminar and an innovation challenge day as part of the establishment of the EcoBioMax business chair
Pour la terre et les hommes, les légumineuses au cœur de l’innovation. 2èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses
Reading mRNA methylation: role of the Arabidopsis ECT proteins in the posttranscriptional control of gene expression in response to heat stress or accross development
Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
’Proposal development: Management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe (GenTree)’
Unraveling TOR-mediated signaling in relation to nitrogen metabolism.
Antioxidant and nutritional potential of a functional food derived from fermented maize and fruit extracts containing phytosterols, carotenoids and tocopherols.
Biodiversity friendly consumers’ behavior
Adaptive responses of the nitrogen-fixing Medicago truncatula - rhizobia symbiosis to nitrogen acquisition limitation
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Franco-Taiwanese Workshop on Plant Biology Applied to Plant Improvement
Pertinence des mini-capteurs imprimés connectés PANIK (pH, Ammonium, Nitrate, K=Potassium) pour le suivi continu in-situ de la qualité chimique des eaux du sol dans les agroécosystèmes
Initiative for Federating Research and Training in Food Nutrition and Health
Harmonization, semantic and interoperability of phenotypic and agronomic data workshop
MontpellierRoot2017 - Montpellier Lateral Root Workshop 2017
Organisation du "17th international Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant"
Soutien au projet pilote “Incubation d’une recherché collaborative et prospective pour une alimentation territorialisées, issue d’une agriculture écologique et paysanne »
Transcriptional profiling of maize genes in response to a growth-promoting agropolymer
Utilisation de l’électrophorèse capillaire en mode frontal continu (FACCE) pour la caractérisation des interactions entre facteurs de transcription et séquences d’ADN cibles, un pas vers le développement d’un microsystème analytique.
Artisanat et transformation niébé
Dynamics of the rice genome in response to environmental stress: transpositional activation in a heat-stressed RdDM mutant. (cf 1508-002)
Agropolis International Dossier "Complex systems, from biology to territories"
Séminaire en économie agricole sur la gouvernance de l’alimentation durable
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Study of the climate adaptation of wild coffee (Coffea canephora)
Agro&Grains - Involving plant and environmental sciences in the 8th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media: Powder&Grains, 3-7 July 2017, Montpellier
The Global Rice Science Partnership Root Workshop in Agropolis
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Conférence sur le DEVeloppement de cultures ALTernatives innovantes de production de CAoutchouc Naturel
Southeast Asia Food tree species NETwork
Improvement of MapMan to Analyze the Genome of Coffee.
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Use of biobased coagulant-flocculant to improve the treatment of liquid effluents from the processing of agri-food products in southern countries: the case of wastewater from cassava processing.
Green Cooperation, Innovation and Governance
A thematic network to strengthen regional collaborative projects on the visualisation of virtual landscapes and ecosystems - VLS-LRC (Virtual Landscapes of Languedoc Roussillon and Catalonia)
Folates behavior during the soaking-cooking process of cowpea seeds
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Indigenous Forest Species in Agroforestry Systems
Participation to the ProMusa symposium “Unravelling the banana’s genomic potential”
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Stratégies innovantes de surveillance et de lutte contre les vecteurs en santé publique et en santé animale et contre les ravageurs de culture en santé végétale
Preparation of H2020 proposal: Forest-based Solutions for Biodiversity, Climate Action and EcoABSYS Services
Réseau d’Agro-Ecologie en Asie du Sud-Est
Geographic stakes of farmers innovations in cocoa agroforestry – Côte D’ivoire- Identification of factors and obstacles for agroforestry adoption
’Nutritional characterisation and impact of processing on the nutritional qualities of tropical vegetables: vitamins C and B9, carotenoids, antioxidants’
Colloque joint du Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables et Immunité des Invertébrés
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Rubber agroforestry practices in Northeast Thailand to maintain family farms income during immature period of the plantations.
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Setting up a molecular epidemiology approach for unraveling the emergence of the Banana Xanthomonas Wilt
Ouvrage QUAE. Architecture et croissance des plantes. Modélisation et applications
Rencontres multidisciplinaires pour une riziculture durable en Tanzanie
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
GRAINES 2017 - 17-19 octobre 2017, Montpellier
Workshop on “Tree stability: models standardisation and integration”
Conférence “Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology 2016”, June 12-16.
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Mango dieback in West Africa: organisation of an international expert mission to orchards in Burkina Faso.
A training and research network for resistant rice in Africa
MicrobiOccitania Congress 2019
Methods of Investigating Food and Eating
’Exploration of the genetic variability of peach phenolic and triterpenoid com-pounds as natural defense against brown rot’
Jounrée IDEA ( Drone
’Connecting the biologies of rice disease resistance, drought tolerance and flowering times’
Integrative Modelling for understanding GenesxEnvironmentxProcesses interactions in the determinims of fruit and leaf growth
Investigating adaptive introgression in African crops
1rst Farmer Centric On-Farm Experimentation Conference
1st Languedoc Roussillon - Catalonia meetings in Integrative Plant Biology
1st International Conference: Organic Rice Production Systems
2nd International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology
2nd International Symposium on Cocoa Research
3D virtual fruit: application to fruit growth and quality control
4th World Congress on Agroforestry
4p1000 Initiative: Soil Carbon Sequestration & Food Security" a contribution to the Lima - Paris Action Plan at COP 21.
4th World Congress on Agroforestry
8ème International Workshop on Anthocyanins
13ème Colloque International d’Epidémiologie des Virus de Plantes
14ème Symposium International sur la Génomique Fonctionnelle du Riz
18th International Congress on Frankia symbiosis and actinorhizal plants
20th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants
27th International Congress for Conservation Biology & 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology : “Mission Biodiversity: choosing new paths for conservation”, Le Corum, Montpellier, 2-6 août 2015
28th biannual conference of the ASIC