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Cooperative Training and Resource Centre on the Common Agricultural Policy


The main objective of the CAPeye training and resource center is to build bridges between academics, public and private decision-makers and stakeholders involved in CAP implementation.
The four goals are:
• to facilitate and improve access to selected and up-to-date information on the CAP-related issues
• to improve knowledge on CAP of academics, students, and all stakeholders
involved in innovation projects relating directly or indirectly to CAP
• to promote exchanges and debates on the effectiveness of the CAP and its future with mixed audiences in order to foster the emergence of promote innovative projects in the context of sustainable agriculture.


The CAPeye website is available at this address: https://www.supagro.fr/capeye/
It gives access to the "Everything about the CAP" sections with dedicated thematic pages ; A series of introductory animations on the CAP "The CAP for Dummies"; Free on-line courses available upon registration "The CAP for Experts", regularly updated news, archived with a search engine (PAC news), web-pages on available resources (conferences, online data, Reports etc.).

CAPeye has become a reference as a francophone site on CAP. It is consulted widely, notably by the academic world, students and journalists. CAPeye is also available on twitter. The CAPeye team is very often mobilized to organize conferences, give lectures, interviews, and animate debates. The team also participates to debates and expertise on CAP reforms (2014, 2020).

CAPeye has also made it possible to boost research on CAP issues in the Agropolis community, in particular on the CAP evaluation, on the analysis of "small farms and the CAP", on CAP and peri-urban areas, on CAP and agro-ecology.


CAPeye cell and its team will continue their activities through other sources of funding: they are involved in the Agreencamp project (carried out by IAVFF and financed by IDEFI-N) to develop distance learning and serious games on CAP. CAPeye will maintain its activities as debate facilitators and will organize a conference on CAP reform, with the Société française d’Economie rurale, in June 2018 in Montpellier. CAPeye will also strengthen further its network of experts and develop further research on CAP and small farms; CAP and the environment; CAP assessment tools.

  • Project Number
  • Call for project
  • Start date :
    1 June 2013
  • Closing date :
    31 August 2016
  • Research units in the network
Scientific partners: