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One-off support

The second 2023 session for requests for one-off support is closed since September 15, 2023.

This session concerns projects taking place between December 2023 and September 2024.

To submit a project, please refer to the "Submit" tab opposite.

Ad hoc support" enables the Foundation to support activities of an emergency or opportunistic nature that the Board of Directors considers to be strategic and a priority, outside of competitive or commissioned procedures.
A global envelope is distributed over two project selection sessions: the first in February and the second in September. Proposals are submitted "as they come in". Maximum support for a project is 20 k€.


The project leader must be a scientist from the Foundation’s network of research units.
The project must meet the criteria defined below (timeliness, relevance, etc.).
Research" proposals are not eligible for this type of funding, the rule being that research projects must be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Board in a competitive or commissioned framework.

Scientists who are members of the Foundation’s network and who wish to apply for one-off support are advised to contact the Foundation beforehand to check the eligibility and relevance of their application for one-off support, in the light of the eligibility and evaluation criteria.

To help researchers prepare their applications, the Foundation has compiled a list of projects supported under this program, and answers any questions you may have, particularly concerning budgetary eligibility: "Is my one-off grant eligible?
Award procedureAutomatic online return
Applications for one-off support are examined by an ad-hoc committee made up of representatives of the founding members. The procedure then proceeds as follows:

Six evaluation criteria

  • Timeliness
  • One-off nature (no recurring operations funded under this heading)
  • Scientific relevance (scientific quality and contribution to the Foundation’s scientific strategy)
  • Structuring and federating nature within the Foundation’s scientific network
  • Contribution to the national and international visibility of the Foundation’s community
  • Added value of the Foundation’s involvement
  • It is important to note that if a project is selected but not approved within 6 months of its selection, it will have to be resubmitted for selection.

Special case of support for eventsAutomatic line return
As of the second session of 2022, a rule has been introduced to cap support for events:

Fewer than 50 participants: €5,000
From 50 to 100: €10,000
More than 100: €15,000
The committee may grant greater support on a case-by-case basis, depending on the outstanding nature of the event.

IMPORTANT: Automatic line return
As part of our quality approach, please note that all proposals received will be archived and may be used by Agropolis Fondation in the course of its activities. No proposal will be transmitted to a third party without the prior consent of the applicant.


Océane TREVENNEC, Chargé de mission scientifique
